Archiwalna strona Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego

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Nową stronę wydano w ramach Projektu POIS.02.04.00-00-0001/15 „Promocja Parków Narodowych jako marki”
współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Infrastruktura i Środowisko 2014-2020




Meadow mowed within the project
Meadow mowed within the project
Kampinos National Park (KNP) implements active nature protection tasks in order to preserve non-forest plant communities.

In the autumn of 2013 mowing (project action No. C3) on a total area of 27.65 hectares was performed. This included 11.89 ha of land purchased under the project “ActiveKPN” (0.20 ha was mown manually). The remaining area which was mown covered land already under the management of KNP. The mowing of these plots together with the ones purchased thanks to “ActiveKPN” allowed us to keep the complexity of the activities in the area. At the same time the removing of shrubs was conducted (project action No. C2) on the area of 0.88 ha.

The year 2013 was still another year of above average groundwater levels in KNP. For this reason a large portion of land designated for mowing could not be subjected to this treatment. The mentioned above concerned a total of 11.62 hectares of land purchased in the framework of the “ActiveKPN” project. Part of the land was so waterlogged that mowing with the use of heavy equipment could cause damage to the meadow, and sections of roads leading to the meadows proved impassable.

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