Archiwalna strona Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego

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Nową stronę wydano w ramach Projektu POIS.02.04.00-00-0001/15 „Promocja Parków Narodowych jako marki”
współfinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Infrastruktura i Środowisko 2014-2020




b_200_150_16777215_00___images_life_2016-12-30b.JPGDuring late summer and autumn of the year 2016 a number ActiveKPN meadows were mowed. They were parcels bought to the project or those in which initial mowing were done under the project. Most of this work was connected with the land leased to farmers under conditions of agri-environmental schemes. In the year 2016 there were more than 60 hectares of such land. In addition, in the same year slightly more than 6 hectares of ActiveKPN project land were mowed outside agri-environmental scheme, but with financial support from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.


With the end of 2015 came to an end the project "ActiveKPN" (LIFE10 NAT/PL/000655). I believe that the project was a success. We realized all the basic objectives of the project. Bought out more than 200 hectares (exactly 200.56 ha) of private land located in the National Park area, demolished all purchased 18 built-up farms, made renaturisation activities on a total area of 234.2 hectares, including mowing the surface of 131.75 ha, deshrubbing 4.9 hectares, 10.03 hectares of afforestation and support the natural succession of 87.52 ha. The project also produced the so-called meta-model, which is a portal that allows to better manage the resources of the Park. Also the information activities planned within the project were implemented such as information boards or organization of a press conference.

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b_200_150_16777215_00___images_life_2015-10-01b.JPGThe LIFE program is the European financial instrument financing projects in the field of environmental protection and nature conservation, in particular concerning the protection of Natura 2000. It is an unusual program, since the decisions to grant funding for projects are made directly by the European Commission. Its financial and technical structure is also a bit different than the rest of the EU funds. Hence, there has been a growing need among the beneficiaries implementing LIFE projects in Poland to meet and discuss best practices as well as the problems that you may encounter when working on the implementation of LIFE projects. To meet this need Kampinoski National Park (KPN) together with the Zespół Parków Krajobrazowych Województwa Śląskiego (Landscape Parks of Silesian Voivodship, ZPKWŚ) undertook the organization of two working meetings of this type. The first of them took place on 1 and 2 October 2015 in KPN, the second will be held by ZPKWŚ in November this year.

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b_200_150_16777215_00___images_life_2015-09-07_1011_Izabelin_KPN.JPG   On September 7, 2015 we hosted at the headquarters of the Kampinos National Park Mr. Jacek Achtelik. Mr. Achtelik is involved in the project LIFE + "Hannoversche Moorgeest" (LIFE11 NAT / DE / 000344), whose main beneficiary is the Land of Lower Saxony.

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"ActiveKPN" – LIFE+ project LIFE10 NAT/PL/655 – originally have been planned to end on 31 March. However, at the request of KPN completion date of its implementation has been postponed for nine months – up to December 31, 2015. Annex to the agreement with the European Commission was signed on 25 March 2015. In this way it becomes possible to complete the work related to the implementation of this project.

b_200_150_16777215_00___images_life_3a.JPGFor the eighth time the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) held an open day of the LIFE program. LIFE is the only EU financial instrument dedicated exclusively to financial projects for the protection of the environment and adaptations to climate change. The uniqueness of the LIFE program is also a result of the fact that in contrast to most European programs it is managed directly by the European Commission. The aim of Information Day, which took place on 14 April in Gromada Hotel in Warsaw, was to introduce the exchange of experiences between current and potential beneficiaries of the program.

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b_200_150_16777215_00___images_life_2a.jpgThe first stage of afforestation activities on the plots purchased within the ActiveKPN project was carried out in the spring of 2014. In the Autumn planting was resumed. At that time 2,01 ha was forested and 2,07 ha underwent complementary planting. In our case, complementary planting consists of selective planting of rare species of trees and bushes supporting natural succession. In total, over 17 000 saplings were planted on 23 plots.

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One of the main goals of the “ActiveKPN” project is to restore the purchased lands to nature by means of renaturalization activities. In order to maintain biodiversity in open areas, those activities consist of mowing (project action No. C3) and shrub removal (action No. C2).

After several years characterized by relatively wet autumns with a high level of groundwater, the Autumn of 2014 turned out to be dry and offered favorable conditions for this kind of activities.

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Demolition works
Demolition works
In the autumn of 2014 nine remaining households purchased within „ActiveKPN” project were demolished. 

Asbestos components were secured, removed and utilized, which was an important element of the demolition process. The demolition sites were thoroughly cleared and tidied. In some cases, young trees were immediately planted in empty spaces remaining after the demolition.

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Hannoverche Moorgeest meeting in Resse
Hannoverche Moorgeest meeting in Resse
In the days 26th of July – 2nd of August 2014 we participated in a networking trip to Germany in order to visit some of the LIFE+ sites in this country. We planned to find out more about the following projects: Nationalpark BayWald” (LIFE12 NAT/DE/000093) and „Hannoversche Moorgeest” (LIFE11 NAT/DE/000344). The delegates from Kampinos National Park were: Jolanta Markowska (senior specialist in the field of nature protection), Karol Kram (technical coordinator of the ActiveKPN project) and Ryszard Tlaga (financial coordinator of the ActiveKPN project). The travel took place with the use of the car purchased from the project’s resources.

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