b_0_200_16777215_00___images_life_2a.jpgThe first stage of afforestation activities on the plots purchased within the ActiveKPN project was carried out in the spring of 2014. In the Autumn planting was resumed. At that time 2,01 ha was forested and 2,07 ha underwent complementary planting. In our case, complementary planting consists of selective planting of rare species of trees and bushes supporting natural succession. In total, over 17 000 saplings were planted on 23 plots.

Among the planted species the majority were: oak (over 5000 saplings), lime (3900) and maple (3150). A large number (over 4000) of biocenotically valuable bushes was planted as well. Additionally, saplings of hornbeam and rowan were used in smaller quantities.

Including the activities conducted earlier, the area of afforestation performed within ActiveKPN project reached 5,05 ha. Complementary planting was carried out on 7,02 ha and it supports natural succession on over 50 ha of plots.

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