
One of the main goals of the “ActiveKPN” project is to restore the purchased lands to nature by means of renaturalization activities. In order to maintain biodiversity in open areas, those activities consist of mowing (project action No. C3) and shrub removal (action No. C2).

After several years characterized by relatively wet autumns with a high level of groundwater, the Autumn of 2014 turned out to be dry and offered favorable conditions for this kind of activities.

Nevertheless, both mowing and baling of the hay was conducted using equipment fitted with double wheels. It prevents the destruction of meadows by creating ruts or compacting soil. As a result, in autumn of 2014 65,08 ha of meadows have been mowed, including 56,4 ha of land purchased within the “ActiveKPN” project. The rest remains under the management of Kampinoski National Park and mowing of those areas together with lands purchased within “ActiveKPN” project allows to maintain a complex approach to the activities in the area.  At the same time, shrub removal was conducted on an area of 1,17 ha.

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