LIFE+ project „ActiveKPN”

Conservation of natural resources of Kampinos Forest – Natura 2000 site, through renaturization of purchased land”


Coordinating beneficiary:


Duration of the project:

1 Sep 2011 – 31 Mar 2015

LIFE Project Number:


Co-financial agreement no:


Budget info:

Total amount: 5 568 653

EC contribution: 50 %

Co-financer contribution: 45 %

Coordinating beneficiary’s contribution: 5 %

The implementation of the project will mainly contribute to the preservation of a proper state of priority species and habitats of the Natura 2000 network, as well as several other rare and protected species.As a result ofthe project’s activities approximately 200hectares of land, mostly arable, forest and built-up, will bepurchasedand restored to nature. Restorationoflandpurchasedunder the projectwill includereforestation(approximately20 ha),a selectiveplantingconnected to the "supporting" of natural succession(onapproximately80ha).Removal of shrubsandmowing is also planned onan area of approximately130 hectares, including an area of approximately98hectares of landpurchasedunder the project.Throughout the full duration ofthe projectinvasive speciescontrol will be conducted, with treatmentsaimed atthe elimination ofalien species. It is also planned to take down 18 settlements together with the accompanying constructional elements (buildings, fences etc.).

In order for theplannedprotection activities on the purchasedlandto be effectiveexpertise of the natural environment andmonitoringwill be conducted. Thanks to equipment bought from the project’s fundsandthe creation of ameta-model it will be possible tomakea database useful when planningspecific renaturizationtasksin the future. A thematic folder was printed and press conference held to disseminate information and knowledgeregarding the project. Itis also planned tocreate 10information boardsoneducationalpaths, hiking trailsand those locations in whichprotectionactivities will be carried out. Other activities aiming to promotethe projectLIFE+ "ActiveKPN" will also be carried out.